Hollywood’s latest darling, Elle Fanning, goes digging for buried treasure in Todd Cole's new collaboration with Rodarte, The Curve of Forgotten Things. The film highlights design duo Kate and Laura Mulleavy's spring 2011 collection, which drew inspiration from 1970s northern California, referencing Redwood forests, the gold rush and Asian influences. The Somewhere star pirouettes through the empty rooms of the historic Baldwin House (which sits on an oil field in LA's Baldwin Hills), her outfits magically changing from one room to the next. Shot on a RED camera using Cooke lenses from the 70s, the short's dusty focus references seminal movies of that era, such as Terrence Malick’s Badlands, while Georgia-based indie rockers Deerhunter provide the dreamy soundtrack. As for the title, Cole explains: “It's the title of a Richard Brautigan poem. The poem and the film are about forgotten things—circles and the curve of time.”
The Curve Of Forgotten Things
Elle Fanning strikes gold fashion in Todd Cole's: The Curve Of Forgotten Things.
Hollywood’s latest darling, Elle Fanning, goes digging for buried treasure in Todd Cole's new collaboration with Rodarte, The Curve of Forgotten Things. The film highlights design duo Kate and Laura Mulleavy's spring 2011 collection, which drew inspiration from 1970s northern California, referencing Redwood forests, the gold rush and Asian influences. The Somewhere star pirouettes through the empty rooms of the historic Baldwin House (which sits on an oil field in LA's Baldwin Hills), her outfits magically changing from one room to the next. Shot on a RED camera using Cooke lenses from the 70s, the short's dusty focus references seminal movies of that era, such as Terrence Malick’s Badlands, while Georgia-based indie rockers Deerhunter provide the dreamy soundtrack. As for the title, Cole explains: “It's the title of a Richard Brautigan poem. The poem and the film are about forgotten things—circles and the curve of time.”
Hollywood’s latest darling, Elle Fanning, goes digging for buried treasure in Todd Cole's new collaboration with Rodarte, The Curve of Forgotten Things. The film highlights design duo Kate and Laura Mulleavy's spring 2011 collection, which drew inspiration from 1970s northern California, referencing Redwood forests, the gold rush and Asian influences. The Somewhere star pirouettes through the empty rooms of the historic Baldwin House (which sits on an oil field in LA's Baldwin Hills), her outfits magically changing from one room to the next. Shot on a RED camera using Cooke lenses from the 70s, the short's dusty focus references seminal movies of that era, such as Terrence Malick’s Badlands, while Georgia-based indie rockers Deerhunter provide the dreamy soundtrack. As for the title, Cole explains: “It's the title of a Richard Brautigan poem. The poem and the film are about forgotten things—circles and the curve of time.”
Don't Be A Drag, Just Be A Queen

In every little break i had, i was listening to born this way, and every time i listened to it, i loved it even more! After work i went to the city to do a little shopping with my own pretty fag hag puk, and i got myself a new (little bit) oversized tanktop with a print of a model on it, saying: i'm not your princess and ofcourse an iTunes card so i could buy Born This Way on itunes! To be honest, i didn't bought it once, no i bought it 11 times, couldn't resist myself of buying it so many times. And thanks to all the people buying Born this Way legally, she was at the number one spot in the USA in like 3 hours! Now she's already on the number one spot in 19 countries! We did it little monsters!
Listen here to Born this way by Lady GaGa. What do you guys think of her next single?
We're on the right track baby!!
Dreaming About Alexa
Just like every human being on this earth, i have a wish list. But there's one thing i want very badly, and i keep thinking and thinking about it. It's this Mulberry bag, the 'oversized Alexa', made of soft buffalo leather, with amazing details on the bag and also on the hardware and in the Netherlands it's available for 1100euros, and i keep dreaming and day dreaming about it.
I was in my art class today, and we had to find pictures in magazines, and i saw this Alexa and i freaked out, my teacher asked me what was going on, and i told her that i'm saving up for this bag and everytime i touch or even see one, i totally freak out, in combination with the fact that Lady GaGa will release her next single tomorrow! She totally laughed at me and told me that i was one of the funniest students she had ever met in her whole career as a teacher.
Tomorrow will be an exciting day for me! Born this Way will get released and i'd probably be freaking out the entire day. I'll keep you up to date with how i'm doing on saving for my own Alexa, and i'm definitely gonna tell you guys what i think about Born This Way.

Tomorrow will be an exciting day for me! Born this Way will get released and i'd probably be freaking out the entire day. I'll keep you up to date with how i'm doing on saving for my own Alexa, and i'm definitely gonna tell you guys what i think about Born This Way.
True Colors
Since i'm a full-fledged member of team insomnia, and i'm just surfing the web when i can't sleep i thought it would be nice to share some photos and music that inspire me lately with you guys. Tomorrow i have a busy day, full of school and work, so after this post i'm going to try to get some sleep for the 17th time, and hopefully i'll be able to do a blogpost tomorrow.
Enjoy my inspiration!
photos from fashiongonerogue
Enjoy my inspiration!
photos from fashiongonerogue
Just Like The Movies

Puk scored this new Supertrash dress, and i got myself this new red leopard print scarf, and i'm excited to combine and wear it!
On the photo you can see the scarf i bought today, and this piece of fur i got a few days ago. I have no idea what kind of fur it is, but it looked beautiful, so i couldn't resist buying it.

Born This Way

I'm sure it was all worth the wait, and today she revealed the cover of her new single on twitpic! I was at this birthday party, and omg when i saw this on my blackberry i totally freaked out, everytime she is able to surprise and overwhelm us even more.
People are saying the cover is inspired on Unicorns or Pegasus, but when i saw it, it reminded me of Alexander McQueen's spring 2010 fashion show. The models also were rocking the horn-ish things on their faces.

Born This Way will be released on Friday 11 February, 9AM US time.
Exhausted. Still exhausted, thanks to last weekend and a really intensive monday afterwards. I'm one of those people, who likes to go out as often as possible. Normally i go clubbin'in cities like Amsterdam, Eindhoven or Rotterdam but this week was different, let me tell you, reeeeaally different, in a bad way. I went clubbin'in my hometown, Deurne, in this 'new' club called 'Metro'. Normally where i go out, people spend hours and hours in front of the mirror before they leave to go clubbin', and i have no idea why people in this 'Metro Club thingy' think different about how important it is how you look, when you go out, oh and the DJ was on crack for sure. Enough said. I couldn't take it any longer, so i left early to have some more drinks at my friend's house to build our own little party, and to be honest at her's it was even more fun, than in the quasi club.
So after this 'heavy' night i woke up, a little hung over, but i promised to visit my grand parents last sunday, so i had to leave my friend's home with this enormous headache, put on my pokerface and pretended that i was all happy and fresh, saw some members of my family i haven't seen for a while, so that was interesting.
Remember i had this bonding time with my mom on saturday? Guess what, even more bonding time last sunday! After i visited my grand parents, i surprised my parents with my appearance. I had quite some fun with them, and i met my little brother's girlfriend. My mom and i had some conversations about how my life is at the moment, and how i manage everything, and now that everything's clear i hope she isn't worried anymore about me and things that has to do with me.
I have to apologise, everytime when i'm at my parents their house i can't control myself and i sneak out to ransack the entire attic. It surprises me, because every single time i find some new pieces of clothing, jewellery or other things i can really use. This time was even more special, because i found this blazer/jacket my mom made when she was young, and now i'm gonna wear it, she really liked that idea. And i really liked the blazer/jacket thing, even more in combination with some of these cool brouches and this vintage watch i found over there.

After finding this 'jackpot' my mom made a lovely dinner for us, and we had this little 'family dinner'. I really loved it, she made some italian food, but i can't remember the name of it (i'm sorry). I do have photo of it, maybe you can recognize what it is? So after this 'heavy' night i woke up, a little hung over, but i promised to visit my grand parents last sunday, so i had to leave my friend's home with this enormous headache, put on my pokerface and pretended that i was all happy and fresh, saw some members of my family i haven't seen for a while, so that was interesting.
Remember i had this bonding time with my mom on saturday? Guess what, even more bonding time last sunday! After i visited my grand parents, i surprised my parents with my appearance. I had quite some fun with them, and i met my little brother's girlfriend. My mom and i had some conversations about how my life is at the moment, and how i manage everything, and now that everything's clear i hope she isn't worried anymore about me and things that has to do with me.
I have to apologise, everytime when i'm at my parents their house i can't control myself and i sneak out to ransack the entire attic. It surprises me, because every single time i find some new pieces of clothing, jewellery or other things i can really use. This time was even more special, because i found this blazer/jacket my mom made when she was young, and now i'm gonna wear it, she really liked that idea. And i really liked the blazer/jacket thing, even more in combination with some of these cool brouches and this vintage watch i found over there.

Bonding Time

My mom called me yesterday to ask me if i wanted to join her, on her search for a new pair of shoes, and i loved the idea. After, like, about 2 hours we found the perfect shoes for her, and after finding them she surprised me with, now we're gonna buy some clothes for YOU! I was surprised, and really happy at that moment. So we took off to the stores i wanted to visit, first we went to 'Doortje Vintage' where i saw this beautiful, blue trenchcoat, unfortunately it wasn't my size, that made me sad for a moment. After our visit to 'Doortje Vintage' we went to H&M where i found this beautiful grey trenchcoat, almost similar to the one i saw in the other store, i was so happy, and even more happy when my mom bought the trenchcoat and a basic striped t-shirt for me!

Young And Fresh Designer: Samira Algoe, ZEM

For me, most of the time, it's more interesting what the new and young designers are all about, are they innovative? Are they creative and hard working enough to succeed as a designer? Well for me, Samira Algoe was.

She opened her show with a model with white/grey tufts of hair walking on red snow boots and a ski outfit, that's when i knew: this show is on! She sent her models on the runway with pieces of clothing, normally worn by women, like capes and leggings. I think she transformed these typical pieces of clothing for women into a new trend for men. The collection existed mainly out of light shades of blue, and some light touches of soft pink. For me it really worked out, and i'm sure we're gonna hear a LOT of this new and young designer.
photos via Samira Algoe, ZEM weblog

Back In The Blogging Scene
As you can see, i blew some new life into my blog. Changed the design, changed the name, (before it was called Fashion Monster), changed some things here and there and found the persistence to start again, and to keep on blogging ofcourse. I still can't understand why I neglected all this, the happiness, the satisfaction it gave me when i was blogging about my biggest passion.
As you can see, i'm still working on the new look of my blog. I hope that one of these days i'm finished with revamping it, so i can start blogging again as if i never left the scene.
I know i used some old outtakes and ad campaigns, but the moodboard had to be inspired on nature, especially the ocean, under water creatures, clouds and the sun.
As you can see, i'm still working on the new look of my blog. I hope that one of these days i'm finished with revamping it, so i can start blogging again as if i never left the scene.
btw, had a tough day at school. werqed it in this knitted sweater my grandma made like 30 or 40 years ago, it's really cool. It's a shade of purple, mixed with a little white and it's fluffy. I don't have a photo of it (i'm sorry), my camera is broken and hopefully at short notice i'll be the owner of a brand new camera! Until then, me, and you guys have to deal with the quality of photos my Blackberry makes, i'll show you what quality with this photo i made of my moodboard in my drawing class today.

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